March 2nd


when: Tuesday 2/3/2021, 12:30 (seminar starts at 12:45)
where: Zoom meeting!
speaker: Jakub Zelezny
Title: Spintronics and antiferromagnets

Conventional electronics is based on the electron charge. Apart from the charge, electrons have another property however: the spin. The spin usually does not play a direct role in electronics, but can be important in some situations, for example, in magnetic materials. The field of spintronics explores how the spin can be utilized in microelectronics. Here we review recent progress in spintronics, focusing primarily on a particular class of magnetic materials, the so-called antiferromagnets. These are materials with long range magnetic order, but no net magnetic moment. Although known for a long time, antiferromagnets were not studied much in the past since their magnetic order is hard to detect and control. Recently, however, they have attracted attention in the spintronics community because they have some advantages over ferromagnets and because spintronics provides means of detecting and controlling the antiferromagnetic order.