May 28th
when: Tuesday 28/5/2019, 13:00
where: KE E-541 (møterom)
speaker: Johannes Weber (University of Michigan)
title: Quarkonia Free Energy on the lattice and in effective field theories
Quarkonia within the quark-gluon-plasma have been suggested as an effective
thermometer of the hot QCD medium, as their properties are modified due to
color screening and thermal dissociation.
I discuss correlation functions of spatially separated static quark-antiquark
pairs in (2+1)-flavor QCD in order to elucidate the onset and nature of color
screening at high temperatures.
I perform lattice calculations in a wide temperature range, 140 < T <
5814 MeV, using the highly improved staggered quark action and
several lattice spacings to control discretization effects and compare to results
from EFT-resummed weak-coupling approaches