June 10th


when: Wednesday 10/06/2020, 11:00
where: Zoom Meeting online
speaker: Piotr Surowka (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden)
title: Chiral elasticity: from fracton phases to active matter

I will show hot chirality modifies classical elasticiy. This modification leads to two effective formulations: Cosserat elasticity and odd elasticity. In Cosserat elasticity a local element of an elastic body is described in terms of displacement and orientation. I will discuss fractonic exciations in this theory and show that applying the duality transformation to the degrees of freedom maps onto a coupled theory of a vector-valued one-form gauge field and an ordinaty U(1) gauge field, thus giving a novel example of a fractonic phase of matter. Next I will pass to the framework of odd elasticity, which does not require new degrees of freedom but can only exist in active systems. I will present basic properties of this theory.