November 1st


when: Thursday 1/11/2018, 11:00
where: KE E-541 (møterom)
speaker: David Schaich (University of Bern)
title: Composite dark matter and the role of lattice field theory
Abundant evidence indicates that dark matter accounts for most of the matter in the universe, but its fundamental nature remains unknown. I will discuss the intriguing possibility that dark matter may consist of composite particles arising from a new strong force. After reviewing the motivations for and main features of composite dark matter, I will explain the role of lattice field theory as a means to obtain non-perturbative predictions for strongly interacting systems through large-scale numerical computations. Such predictions are needed to translate experimental results (from particle colliders, large underground detectors, and future gravitational-wave observatories) into constraints on composite dark matter.

Slides: can be downloaded here