February 23rd
when: Tuesday 23/2/2021, 12:30 (seminar starts at 12:45)
where: Zoom meeting!
speaker: Yuki Fujimoto
Title: Toward QCD- and observation-based neutron star equation of state
The equation of state (EoS) of dense nuclear/quark matter is the crucial ingredient for understanding neutron stars. We briefly review the current state of the dense matter EoS. We then put forward the current theoretical effort to determine the EoS in the model-independent manner based on neutron star observations and ab initio calculation of QCD. In this talk, we particularly focus on our recent work in two perspectives: First, we consider the specific problem to find the most likely EoS from the set of mass-radius observations of neutron stars, and we propose an efficient procedure of deep learning to deal with this problem [1-3]. We confirm the validity and the accuracy of this method using mock data sets. The second is to calculate the EoS within the perturbative framework of QCD with resummation [4]. We discuss the scheme for the Hard Dense Loop resummation, which turns out to reduce uncertainty than the perturbative QCD estimate without resummation; our result seems to extend the applicability of the QCD-based EoS down to densities realized inside neutron stars.