September 22nd


when: Wednesday 07/10/2020, 13:00
where: KE D201 and Zoom meeting!
speaker: Mingee Chung
Title: Quasi-one-dimensional quantum magnets probe with nuclear magnetic resonance

Quantum magnets are magnetic insulators where spins on a lattice are coupled via exchange interaction. Since they often have a simple and well-defined Hamiltonian, in the absence of mobile spins or charges, very close comparisons between experiments and theories could be made possible. In this talk, following an introduction to the field, I will present some experimental works on quasi-one-dimensional quantum magnets such as a spin ladder and coupled spin ladders, which are realized in molecular crystals. The main experimental technique employed is a nuclear magnetic resonance at milli-kelvin temperatures in a magnetic field up to 30, but a few bulk techniques such as heat capacity are to be discussed as well. If time allows, I will also present the results on ‘quantum-critical’ physics of a spin chain.